"Seamless Salesforce Evolution: Elevate with DevOps & CI/CD Managed Excellence."
Designing and building a solution, and deploying it to production are two entirely different challenges. Our partner has built and implemented a DevOps tool, TestRunner ITAS, used in production at multiple Communications Cloud implementations. Running a custom DevOps stack requires additional software and a specialized, skilled team to maintain it.
Our Salesforce DevOps & CI/CD Managed Service handles the complexity for you so your team can focus on the development and testing, rather than maintaining the DevOps tooling.
Taking a Different Approach
Hosted in the Cloud
(AWS or Azure)​
Built-to-Scale Multi-Threading Servers on demand​
Quick setup users are not required to access production orgs. ​
User-friendly UI, requires minimal training to get started. ​
Built upon standard Git Methodology
Follows universal Git branching Strategy​
Fits into customers' current DevOps CI/CD Processes​
Dedicated UI for conflict resolution, reducing the need for manual Git access for all users.
Seamless integration to Jenkins, ADO, Jira, and others​
Can automatically run Regression and Performance Tests as part of all deployments, the key to ensuring project success.​
Use the power of Tableau for enhanced data visibility.
Key Features for Salesforce Industries Customers
We primarily create features and release branches, removing the need for promotional branches and allowing for a more granular approach. ​
The Built-to-Scale Multi-Threading architecture allows for ​
Faster back promotions ​
Concurrent deployment by multiple users across single and multiple orgs ​
ITAS seamlessly manages EPC product deployments ​
ITAS deploys user permissions selectively based on custom metadata, avoiding the need to deploy entire profiles ​
ITAS can deploy multiple user stories concurrently.​
An Intelligent Merge process quickly detects and resolves 80% of merge conflicts allowing for quick deployments​